Thursday, 28 July 2011

Month 2 - April 17, 2011

Chachu is an expert at
putting Tara to sleep
This month Tara got quality time with her Chachu Parit. Well, Parit was not as uncomfortable as i thought he might be with infants. Both brothers seem to have a knack of getting babies to sleep. Tara also spent time with Shadow and got it used to her cry so Shadow is in less of a frenzy now, and has begun to lick her feet.

Jui in her last week of pregnancy
with Tara in hand
It was a significant month with Tara formally being named in the presence of friends and family and then of course ... winning the Cricket World Cup for India - we believe she brought the Country luck as she was born on the day of the inaugural ceremony and nothing went wrong after that. Well, it takes two to tango so on closing day i.e. on World Cup final day we needed further luck reinforcements to ensure the Cup was ours to keep - so was born Tara's first buddy the lucky charm, Asmi - daughter of our friends, Arjun and Jui. 

Tara gives us a hint of a smirk now - not quite a smile yet! 
The smirk!
She still sleeps peacefully and continues to be a delight.  She had a grand time this month being pampered by Amma and Ammamma...hardly a moment when she's been on the bed, it's always someone's comforting lap. 

So Tara turns two months and as usual we celebrate our happiness with the ritual of cutting (and eating) a cake....this month we have two stars on it!!
Delicious Cake at Caramel - (Vivanta)

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