Thursday, 14 April 2011

The Beginning!

So here's beginning the blog of a nearly two month old Tara Kumar. I feel a sense of huge responsibility as i start documenting every wince and smile of our daughter. Tara, this little package that has come our way and consumed our lives so completely. She will grow up to read it one day, by which time the world would have read it too and she will want an explanation for everything that's in here. With a deep breath then i begin the saga and promise to keep going till Tara begins to write her own blogs.

Prenatally Tara has been most easy to manage, gave me a lot of cheer and joy - nothing seemed to worry me when i had her inside. I for the most by all the symptoms that 'old wives' noticed expected to have a boy - but strangely at the turn of the ninth month my instinct completely flipped to expecting a girl. And there she came on the 17th of February, 2011 at 1048 am - 19 days in advance - just as i was closing in on the team farewell lunch at work. There was so much excitement - with all my friends, family, colleagues - and i remember every minute from the water break at Chang's to, the cool first and then frantic call to Pravir - and then calls went all over the place that this 'just might be it'!! The scene was very much like 'Father of the Bride - II'. Well this flurry was in the afternoon on Feb 16, 2011 but Tara waited till the last one assembled at the hospital and came out at 1048 the next morning when folks from Hyderabad - Ammamma, Somu Mama and Aruna Atha also landed there.

She was brought to me wrapped in MIL's black and white dupatta, with her eyes wide open and that typical look sideways which she still has - she looked a mischievous imp zapped though in this new world. With no trace of familiar features in that one glance i inquired whether the baby was really mine - she was so utterly lovely that i'd have taken her anyway even if they had said not !!

Day 1 went by in a daze after that - so many people came visiting, and all i saw was a doting father proudly flaunting his latest acquisition to all who came in that day - all the time hugging baby tight. A beautiful day we will remember forever! 

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